Thursday, February 9, 2017

Types of Joins in Teradata

Teradata joins

When we join two or more tables on a column or set of columns, Joining takes place. This will result in data resulting from matching records in both the tables. This Universal concept remains the same for all the databases.

In Teradata, we have Optimizer (a very smart Interpreter), which determines type of join strategy to be used based on user input taking performance factor in mind.

In Teradata, some of common join types are used like
- Inner join (can also be "self join" in some cases)
- Outer Join (Left, Right, Full)
- Cross join (Cartesian product join)

When User provides join query, optimizer will come up with join plans to perform joins. These Join strategies include
- Merge Join
- Nested Join
- Hash Join
- Product join
- Exclusion Join

 Merge Join

Merge join is a concept in which rows to be joined must be present in same AMP. If the rows to be joined are not on the same AMP, Teradata will either redistribute the data or duplicate the data in spool to make that happen based on row hash of the columns involved in the joins WHERE Clause.
If two tables to be joined have same primary Index, then the records will be present in Same AMP and Re-Distribution of records is not required.

There are four scenarios in which redistribution can happen for Merge Join
Case 1: If joining columns are on UPI = UPI, the records to be joined are present in Same AMP and redistribution is not required. This is most efficient and fastest join strategy

Case 2: If joining columns are on UPI = Non Index column, the records in 2nd table has to be redistributed on AMP's based on data corresponding to first table.

Case 3: If joining columns are on Non Index column = Non Index column , the both the tables are to be redistributed so that matching data lies on same amp , so the join can happen on redistributed data.  This strategy is time consuming since complete redistribution of both the tables takes across all the amps

Case 4: For join happening on Primary Index, If the Referenced table (second table in the join) is very small, then this table is duplicated /copied on to every AMP.

 Nested Join

Nested Join is one of the most precise join plans   suggested by Optimizer .Nested Join works on UPI/USI used in Join statement and is used to retrieve the single row from first table . It then checks for one more matching rows in second table based on being used in the join using an index (primary or secondary) and returns the matching results.

Select EMP.Ename , DEP.Deptno, EMP.salary
Where EMP.Enum = DEP.Enum
and EMp.Enum= 2345;    -- this results in nested join

 Hash join

Hash join is one of the plans suggested by Optimizer based on joining conditions. We can say Hash Join to be close relative of Merge based on its functionality. In case of merge join, joining would happen in same amp.   In Hash Join, one or both tables which are on same amp are fit completely inside the AMP's Memory   . Amp chooses to hold small tables in its memory for joins happening on ROW hash.

Advantages of Hash joins are

1. They are faster than Merge joins since the large table doesn’t need to be sorted.
2. Since the join happening b/w table in AMP memory and table in unsorted spool, it happens so quickly.

 Exclusion Join

These type of joins are suggested by optimizer when following are used in the queries
- SET subtraction operations

Select EMP.Ename , DEP.Deptno, EMP.salary
( Select Enum from
where Enum is NOT NULL );

Please make sure to add an additional WHERE filter “with <column> IS NOT NULL” since usage of NULL in a NOT IN <column> list will return no results.

Exclusion join for following NOT In query has 3 scenarios

Case 1: matched data in "NOT IN" sub Query will disqualify that row

Case 2: Non-matched data in "NOT IN" sub Query will qualify that row

Case 3: Any Unknown result in "NOT IN" will disqualify that row - ('NULL' is a typical example of this scenario). 

Explain types of re-distribution of data happening for joining of columns from two tables


Case 1 - P.I = P.I joins
Case 2 - P.I = N.U.P.I joins
Case 3 - N.U.P.I = N.U.P.I joins

Case1 - there is no redistribution of data over amp's. Since amp local joins happen as data are present in same AMP and need not be re-distributed. These types of joins on unique primary index are very fast.

Case2 - data from second table will be re-distributed on all amps since joins are happening on PI vs. NUPI column.  Ideal scenario is when small table is redistributed to be joined with large table records on same amp

Case3 - data from both the tables are redistributed on all AMPs.  This is one of the longest processing queries , Care should be taken to see that stats are collected on these columns

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