Thursday, February 9, 2017

ODBC Applications & Teradata ODBC Driver

Section 1: Teradata ODBC Overview

There are multiple levels of ODBC conformance so not all applications and ODBC drivers support the same functionality. Under ODBC SDK 2.0/2.5 relational database ODBC drivers are expected to be at least ODBC API Level 1 compliant. (Currently, the Teradata ODBC Driver is ODBC API Level 1, but most functions in Level 2 are supported.  Please refer to Unsupported Functions below for specific Level 2 functions not supported).In ODBC SDK 3.0 the old Level 1 has actually been redefined as Level 0.

Supported Environments
·    Microsoft: Windows 9x, Windows NT, and Windows 2000
·    UNIX: NCR MP-RAS, HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris Sparc and Intel
·    English and Japanese

ODBC SDK Support
·    ODBC SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Windows, MP-RAS, and Sun environments
·    ODBC SDK 3.5 for HP-UX and AIX environments

Teradata ODBC Driver Supported Features:
·    ODBC API Level 1 compliant, but most functions in Level 2 are supported.
·    TCP socket communication based
·    Connection Pooling (2.8.0+ on Windows platforms / 2.4.0+ on UNIX platforms)
·    Multiple connection support
·    Multi-statement request
·    ODBC Asynchronous processing
·    ODBC Parameter binding
·    Multi-threaded applications
·    Thread Safe (2.8.0+ on Windows platforms / 2.4.0+ on UNIX platforms)
·    Supports Teradata specific SQL grammar
·    User configurable options
·    Session recovery (reconnect)
·    Support for MBCS (Kanji)
·    Teradata Password Expiration security feature
·    Support for XWindows based applications on UNIX
·    Additional Trace and Logging features in ODBC driver for UNIX
·    Single Sign On (SSO) - (2.8.2+ on Windows platforms only)

Unsupported Functions
The following is a list of the Level 2 functions that are not supported:


·         Teradata WITH…BY clauses on SELECT statements are not supported. 
·         UNICODE is currently not supported
·         Please refer to the Restrictions section in the Teradata ODBC Drivers User’s Guide for details

·    No requirement for Teradata CLI
·    ODBC driver is only a client side component, no server side component required (only the DBMS).
·    In general 2 libraries make up the ODBC driver. A parser library used for parsing and converting SQL grammar, and the main driver library.
·    On UNIX the parser component of the ODBC driver temporarily writes to the /var/tmp directory.
·    ODBC driver communicates across a LAN directly with the Teradata Gateway software running on nodes

ODBC Extensions not supported
·    The Teradata ODBC driver only supports the forward fetch direction, one row at a time (i.e. rowset size = 1). Scrollable Cursors are not supported. The ODBC cursor library may be used if an application requires support for functions like SQLExtendedFetch or additional cursor support.
·    Only column-wise binding is supported, no row-wise binding
·    Rowids or Bookmarks
·    Use of the Qualifier argument in the catalog functions
·    There are other implementation notes and restrictions listed in the Installation and User Guide.
·    No BLOB data

                                                 Section 2: General Good Practices

The following section mentions general practices that are recommended for obtaining better performance in ODBC enabled applications. Some of these recommendations may only apply to the use of the Teradata ODBC driver.

Adaptive Programming
Applications should call the ODBC functions SQLGetInfo, SQLGetTypeInfo, and SQLGetFunctions to determine the features, data types, and functions supported by the ODBC driver and the DBMS. Once the application “interrogates” the ODBC driver it adapts to the capabilities supported by the driver/DBMS combination. Applications can NOT assume the driver/DBMS combination support all ODBC features.

Persistent Connections
Efficient applications will establish a connection and the application will reuse this connection for sending many requests. Ideally one or more connections will be opened by an application at startup and those connections will be closed when the application exits. If possible applications should avoid constantly opening and closing connections to service requests since this is inefficient, EXCEPT if the Connection Pooling feature is utilized.

Columns in a Result
Applications should only select the columns of data needed to perform the required task. This will reduce the amount of data sent across the network. It also reduces the impact to database resources and resources that the application and the ODBC driver may need to handle the results.

Result Buffers
If large result set is expected in a LAN environment, the MaxRespSize option should be set to 65477 (for Teradata RDBMS V2R3 and above). This option is defined through a DSN entry in the ODBC.INI and it specifies the size for Teradata response buffers to use. Please refer to the Installation and User Guide for complete information.

Teradata Specific SQL
Custom Teradata applications which only generate Teradata specific SQL syntax should disable the ODBC driver from parsing SQL requests by calling SQLSetConnectOption(SQL_NOSCAN). This tells the Teradata ODBC driver to bypass the parsing of SQL requests, thus improving performance. Be aware that once this option is set the ODBC driver will not convert any ODBC SQL syntax and Teradata may not handle this SQL syntax.

Freeing Resources
If an application only needs a subset of rows from the result set, once those rows are obtained the application should call SQLFreeStmt(CLOSE/DROP) to release the spool file held by Teradata.

If an application is NOT issuing multi-statement requests and it only needs a subset of rows form the result set then it should avoid calling SQLMoreResults and instead it should call SQLFreeStmt(C/D).

Calling SQLFreeStmt allows the driver to immediately close the spool file. Calling SQLMoreResults forces the ODBC driver to look through the remaining parcels until an EndStatement parcel is detected.

Use of ODBCINI (UNIX only)
Set the ODBCINI environment variable specifying where the .odbc.ini file can be found, this avoids a search into the /etc/passwd file to get the user’s HOME directory. 

Environment Variables (UNIX only)
Environment Variables must be set to reflect the location of the ODBC libraries.
Operating System(s)
Environment Variable
Solaris (Sparc / Intel), MP-RAS
So, if the ODBC driver package was installed in /usr/odbc, then SHLIB_PATH should be set to /usr/odbc/lib.

Retrieving Data
ODBC provides 2 different mechanisms for retrieving data from the result set.
Applications can call SQLGetData to retrieve data on a column by column basis. The application calls SQLGetData for each column in the row it needs to retrieve. If the result set contains a large number of rows using SQLGetData is very inefficient because the application has to make a call to SQLGetData for every column in every row.

Binding is the other method. By calling SQLBindCol an application can bind or specify a buffer to a specific column in the result. At fetch time the driver automatically transfers the data into the variable buffer specified by the application. This logic allows applications to effectively deal with situations where they may execute the same data returning SQL statement (i.e. SELECT) several times. The application can bind the result set columns once and then issue the SQL requests to process. Every time a row is fetched the driver updates the buffers with the values for the columns. Excessive use of SQLBindCol to bind result set columns maybe expensive because it causes the driver to allocate memory. The application is also responsible for releasing or freeing any binding specified, as bindings are not automatically undone.

Network traffic may be reduced by issuing a multi-statement request. By sending multiple SQL statements through a single request you reduce the number of roundtrips the application makes to perform the same work.

Data Conversion
An ODBC driver may be asked to perform data conversion by the application when moving data into and out of program variables. This may occur  when servicing calls like SQLGetData, SQLBindParameter, and SQLBindCol. For example an application that displays numeric columns may ask the driver to convert the data from a numeric type to a character.

The driver normally transfers data from the network buffers to the application variables. Requesting the driver to carry out data conversion forces the driver to buffer the data and use CPU cycles for the conversion. Therefore applications may want to minimize data conversion through the ODBC driver.

Data Truncation
If an application tries to retrieve data into a variable that is too small to hold it, a warning may be generated by the ODBC driver. The driver will then need to use CPU cycles to allocate resources so the warning generated can be serviced.

Cache Metadata
Certain applications should consider caching results from calls to ODBC catalog functions (i.e. SQLTables, SQLColumns, SQLSpecialColumns, etc.) to avoid repetitive calls and roundtrips to the DBMS for the same information.

Multiple vs. Single Execution:

Use SQLPrepare and SQLExecute combination for multiple execution.  Use SQLExecDirect for single execution.

<code snippet example here>
            Loop    INSERT INTO table VALUES

SQLDescribeCol vs. SQLColAttributes

Use SQLDescribeCol to retrieve all the metadata information for a column instead of SQLColAttributes.

Quiet Mode (3-tier applications)
‘Quiet Mode’ must be set when using the ODBC Driver in a 3-tier architecture.

DateTime Format Switching
Do not switch DateTime Format (e.g., AAA/III) settings haphazardly.  Understand the implication of changing these in the context of existing DDL, datatypes and date import/export settings.

OLE-DB to ODBC Bridge using MSDASQL and ADO Considerations
For DSN-less connections, the connection string must be:

Driver=Teradata;; uid=abcd; pwd=abcd; database=abcd

Use ‘DBCName=’ instead of ‘Server=’.

Internet Applications

In a web-based application, the application might get better performance when not caching the connection, i.e.; the application can connect and disconnect for each page instead of having the connection open for the entire set of pages.  The application can use ODBC Connection Pooling.

Example of Multi-Statement Select

After the result set of the first select in the multistatement is retrieved using SQLFetch() a call to SQLMoreResults() is required to retrieve the result set of the second select.  So the order of calls is as below:

....<End of result set of statement 1 in multistatement)
....<End of result set of statement 2 in multistatement)

Its a better ODBC programming approach to check for the return value of SQLMoreResults() even after SQLFetch() returns SQL_NO_DATA. Only when SQLMoreResults() returns SQL_NO_DATA it means that the whole result set has been retrieved.

                                              Section 3: ISV Questions

What level of ODBC API and ODBC SQL conformance do you require?
Does the application use parameters?
Does the application require data conversion?
How does the application retrieve results?  Does it bind columns?
Does the application use functions like SQLGetInfo to find out what is supported?
Does the application require SQLExtendedFetch or rich cursors?  Does it use the Cursor library?
Does the application support all the SQL_C data types specified by ODBC? Limitations?
Does the application take advantage of the connection and statement options defined by ODBC?
What form of SQL does the application generate, does it have a means for providing pass-through SQL?
Does the application service a single user or multiple users ?
Does the application reside in the middle tier of a 3-tier architecture?  (executing as a server)
Is the application multi-threaded?
Does it execute in ODBC asynchronous mode?

                         Section 4: Considerations with a Teradata 3.51-compliant driver (Future)

Parameter Arrays (3.5.1 Enhancement – Not available today)
Use Parameter Arrays instead of binding single values to SQLBindParameter.

Multiple Environments (3.5.1 Enhancement – Not available today)
Mulitple Environments can be allocated in an ODBC 3.51-compliant driver.

SQLSetEnvAttr (2.x Applications migrating to a 3.x ODBC Driver)

Set the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION environment attribute to SQL_OV_ODBC2 for ODBC 2.x applications migrating to ODBC 3.x if no additional 3.x features are being enabled or if no conditional code is being incorporated to facilitate ODBC 2.x and ODBC 3.x co-existence.

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